Detail of Grasslands an installation created for my mid-year assessment at VCA
Detail of Grasslands an installation created for my mid-year assessment at VCA
Detail of Grasslands an installation created for my mid-year assessment at VCA
Detail of Grasslands an installation created for my mid-year assessment at VCA
Installation Grasslands created in studio space for mid-year assessment at VCA
As a child I moved my room around regularly. I would take all the little ornaments and books, keepsakes and mementos and pile them on my bed then I would drag and pull, push and drive my heavy furniture around the room until I was happy with my new configuration. I would clean everything thoroughly and then re-place all my things anew. This totalising creation of a new environment in the container of self that is the child and teenager’s bedroom segues into my practice as an installation artist and a performer.
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still from video
Detail of Grasslands an installation created for my mid-year assessment at VCA
Detail of Grasslands an installation created for my mid-year assessment at VCA
Detail of Grasslands an installation created for my mid-year assessment at VCA
Detail of Grasslands an installation created for my mid-year assessment at VCA
As a child I moved my room around regularly. I would take all the little ornaments and books, keepsakes and mementos and pile them on my bed then I would drag and pull, push and drive my heavy furniture around the room until I was happy with my new configuration. I would clean everything thoroughly and then re-place all my things anew. This totalising creation of a new environment in the container of self that is the child and teenager’s bedroom segues into my practice as an installation artist and a performer.
Currently I
am busy with a variety of media – terracotta, Final Cut Pro, a black plastic
bucket and myself. The terracotta is forming itself into hand sized
marsupialesque figurines whilst FCP is chopping up time – the time it took for
me to capture my marsupials and some friends along with a breathing beast and
me, with a bucket on my head. I am at
the stage where I am testing – putting things together; playing – pulling things
apart with the meditated intentions of a child – just to see what happens.
My visual
arts practise often seems to be a pastiche of different working methodologies, modes,
materials, forms, notions, thoughts and theories. These all come together in
what I intend to be works that are experiential with a balance of embodied
visceral responses intertwined with thoughts and feeling states. Works that
interest me shift my experience of the world either grandly or subtlety. In my
practise both in the studio and the show I tend to work relationally - much as
I am seduced by slipping unconscious into the ‘siren call’ that is the art
making process I love being interrupted by people. People are integral to my
artistic practise.
still from video
still from video
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